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Situated just across the road from Hooper’s Green, a major water feature will mark the entrance to Wintringham, after plans for Three Fishes Pond were approved. The new water feature will  form a distinctive landmark of the expanding development for residents and visitors at Hooper’s Green and the wider St Neots community to benefit from.

The pond will be surrounded by landscaped public space and be home to a diverse range of wetland wildlife and natural habitats. The pond takes its name from the legend of Saint Neot – a ninth century monk who, according to legend, had a holy well that always contained three fish. Neot was granted divine permission to take one fish from the well daily, with an assurance that the total number of fish would never diminish.

Once complete, the pond will become a haven for biodiversity, with species such as soft rush, water mint and greater pond sedge, alongside rich grassland, marginal and aquatic plants. Ornamental planting will be used to enclose the pond, whilst hedgerows will enhance existing vegetation to the north of the pond.

Rebecca Britton from Wintringham master developer, Urban&Civic, said: “Marking a significant gateway in and out of Wintringham, Three Fishes Pond will become a striking and attractive landmark for residents living here. We’ll be managing the space with a strong emphasis on ecological enhancement, meaning we want it to become a space that is home to vibrant wetland species and natural habitats.”

The pond will become just one of many significant areas of natural space for residents to enjoy. In total, 35.5% of Wintringham will comprise green space, including cycle paths and walkways. The development’s existing brooks and surrounding areas will form “green corridors” that will meander through the site and provide leisure routes.

A central north-south linear park will form the spine of Wintringham, connecting Hooper’s Green and the Loves Farm neighbourhood to the north and running throughout the whole development and bringing together other green spaces. Pocket parks will be placed at the heart of each residential area, creating landscaped green spaces between the new housing.

Find out more information about Hooper's Green